Other Crap – blog.AjCrAzYo.com http://blog.ajcrazyo.com/ Wed, 04 Nov 2020 19:20:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.4 New Job https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/98 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/98#comments Sat, 07 Jul 2007 17:00:31 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=98 I have been at the new job for a week now and I absolutely love it. At first I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle working for a company thats managed properly, but somehow I’m pulling through. I understand that my last employer lost yet another member of the IT department. I really feel sorry for you guys, its got to be hard to get anything done with a staff of nearly 2½ people.

Where I work now, half of the building is office space and the other half is manufacturing. Ever since I left Ainsworth (Potlatch) Ive missed the manufacturing atmosphere. Knowing there was a chance I could get my fingers cut off was pretty exciting, and I get a similar feeling here knowing theres a chance I could get my fingers melted off in one of the soldering machines.


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Last Day https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/95 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/95#comments Fri, 25 May 2007 17:00:59 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=95 Today was my last day at work. During my exit interview I was accused of stealing company property and being on drugs. When I asked what kind of reference I could expect they said none, and on my way out they didn’t let me take any of my things. They said they would mail everything to me, It’s clear to me now that I should have called the cops.

I offer the following advice to those of you who still work there:

get out before the evil retarded logo monster gets you.

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Ainsworth https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/83 Mon, 25 Sep 2006 18:00:41 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=83 I have been so unbelievably busy the last few months. I’m at work at least fifty hours a week, and if I’m not at work them I’m either at home resting or in Duluth working on the house. Two weekends ago we were in Duluth and we went to a wedding. While we were there Jenn threw my cell phone into a fountain (she claims it was an accident.) So now I get to wait another week for my new phone to show up.

Onto the reason I am writing this entry. I was reading the paper today and to my absolute shock, I found out that Ainsworth will be suspending operations in Cook in just two weeks. They will lay of one hundred fifty of about one hundred seventy employees. Unbelievable. The paper said the reason for the shutdown was “insufficient demand in the market”, I find this hard to believe. Here is a picture I took today of the building going up across the street from Freeze. No Joke.

If there is insufficient demand in the market, then why do I see Ainsworth OSB is everywhere I go?
There is no shortage of buyers.
Allen, Brian & Catherine Ainsworth are evil.

Stupid Pens https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/82 Mon, 07 Aug 2006 18:00:52 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=82 Every day I go to work I need to write stuff down, so every day I go to the supply cabinet to get a pen, it didn’t occur to me until just today that I have been getting a new pen almost every day since I started my job. Since I couldn’t figure out where all the pens are going, I decided to put a stop to it. My idea is to get a piece of yarn and tie a pen to each end of it, then string it through my shirt.

BAM!! no more lost pens. Just like a pair of mittens.

Internet https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/81 Sun, 16 Jul 2006 18:00:14 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=81 Its been more than a month since my last update, but only because I’ve been so busy. I’ll start off by saying that I have resolved my internet problem. I found another wireless ISP in St. Cloud and they are providing me faster internet than I had through Quest in Duluth for less money. They did have to put a 20′ tower on the apartment, which is fine with me, but the owner of the building was not so happy. Aside from that, I have been working 60 hours a week to prepare for this big office move that is going to happen this coming weekend. I figure once the move is over, I can start working on selling the house in proctor, and once that’s over I can finally relax.

New Job https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/80 Tue, 06 Jun 2006 18:00:27 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=80 666 haha
Well, a lot has happened in the last month. First and foremost, I got a “Desktop Support Technician” position at:

The company is located in St. Cloud and today was my second day of “work.” I say “work” because its just orientation, and it lasts for a whole week. Not like at potlatch where on my first day they slapped me into an office and told me I had to audit the entire network in three days. So I got an apartment a few miles north of town. its a nice place but its so far out of town that DSL and cable internet aren’t available, the only option I have found so far is ClearWire (a wireless broadband provider). So I went and signed up only to get it home and find out that they shape every port except 80. What does this mean you ask. it means if I want to do any downloading that doesn’t involve a webpage, I’ll get throttled down to pre-dialup speeds. This means rather than taking an hour to download a 700MB video, it takes about two weeks. One things for sure, I can’t live without the internet.

Field Work https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/75 Fri, 03 Feb 2006 18:00:45 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=75 This is the end of the fourth week of work at my new job. Yea, I got another job. Mostly because I wasn’t getting enough hours at Nextec Systems. So far this job has been a blast, I get to do low voltage wiring AND work on computers. Prior to this week, most of my time had been spent in the shop, which was cool but I was starting to going stir crazy.

When I do work at the shop, I tend to finish and have nothing to do, which sucks because if I’m not doing anything I tend to pester people for things to do… and they never have anything for me to do. I think me bothering people for things to do was the reason they started sending me out to do work in the field. This week about half of my time was spent working away from the shop, and with any luck, it will stay that way.

I Love Eggs https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/70 Sat, 10 Dec 2005 18:00:33 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=70 You know what I like? Eggs, hard boiled eggs. I’ll tell you why, see when all the pots and pans are dirty I can make all the hard boiled eggs I want without cleaning anything!! Sure, the shells gets covered with whatever was in the pot before, but it’s ok because you don’t eat the shells.
That is all.

Helga https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/58 Tue, 11 Oct 2005 18:00:41 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=58 Old and outdated Helga circa July 2005


New and improved Helga October 11 2005

Sold Jenns Car https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/posts/50 Sun, 24 Jul 2005 18:00:48 +0000 https://blog.ajcrazyo.com/?p=50 I sold Jenn’s POS car today, it bluebooks at $4400.00 and I sold it for $5000.00. Pretty nifty eh?
