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March 24, 2008
So I’ve only lived in central Minnesota for about a year and a half now and I just recently discovered the biggest reasons I hate it down here (there’s no lack of things I dislike about this part of the state)
The Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout cookies are expensive, but they are also delicious so when I get the opportunity to buy them, I do. I bought a few boxes last week but was disappointed to find that every time I ate one I would throw up all over the place. After some research I found out that they don’t sell the same cookies here that they sell up north. The boxes look the same but the products are very different. There are two companies that make Girl Scout cookies and they both have their own recipe for each cookie. Once I realized what was going on I got a hold of some of the good cookies from up north and did a little comparison.
If your Girl Scout troop sells cookies made by “Little Brownie Bakers” you’re better of just going outside and eating a handful of mud. They’re seriously nasty.
Topics: Items I Bought, Things I Did | 1 Comment »
Come on know that’s a little harsh. Al and I LOVE Samoa’s. You’re really pissing in my oreos here. Markis would cry because he was just writing he wished he could even get some oreos. Didn’t your mommy and daddy tell you there are starving people all over the world and in America. We should respect our food. (Can you believe I wrote all that crap with a straight face!) :}
Posted by: Shelly on July 16th, 2008 at 3:16 pm