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Fun At Work

September 29, 2005

First off I have to apologized, I update my page on the 22nd of this month but forgot to upload it to the internet… sorry to keep you all waiting : )
Well, today sucked. With me having only a week left at Cirrus I don’t have much motivation to do anything constructive. so, the first deconstructive thing I learned today was that if you put one of the BIG rivets in the SMALL air powered rivet gun and squeeze it, the head of the rivet will shoot about 50 feet and if you are in close range… say five feet, those little suckers really sting. so everyone who walked by me today and said something about how I’m not working very hard got shot with a rivet.

After that, when they opened the door to bring in the next plane, a bird flew in before they could shut it, so with my newfound rivet shooting skills, I tried to kill/knock out that stupid bird, but after about 75 rivets it became clear that I had no chance of hitting a small moving target with a rivet, so I gave up and did a little work, but not before I got sidetracked by the masking tape and sharpie, I quickly wrote out a help note and stuck it to the inside of the cowl, I figure some service guy will find it some day and send reinforcements.

Topics: Crap I Built, Things I Did | No Comments »

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