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New Job
June 6, 2006
666 haha
Well, a lot has happened in the last month. First and foremost, I got a “Desktop Support Technician” position at:
The company is located in St. Cloud and today was my second day of “work.” I say “work” because its just orientation, and it lasts for a whole week. Not like at potlatch where on my first day they slapped me into an office and told me I had to audit the entire network in three days. So I got an apartment a few miles north of town. its a nice place but its so far out of town that DSL and cable internet aren’t available, the only option I have found so far is ClearWire (a wireless broadband provider). So I went and signed up only to get it home and find out that they shape every port except 80. What does this mean you ask. it means if I want to do any downloading that doesn’t involve a webpage, I’ll get throttled down to pre-dialup speeds. This means rather than taking an hour to download a 700MB video, it takes about two weeks. One things for sure, I can’t live without the internet.
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