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October 15, 2005

Today we went to the grocery store to get this weeks food rations and, as usual, before going in we stopped to look at the bulletin board and something caught my eye, so without hesitation, I whipped out my trusty camera-phone and took a picture

According to the date on the upper right of the flyer, it had only been posted for twp days, probably not long enough for management to take it down. The more I look at it though, the more I wonder if it was done on purpose or by accident, in EITHER case it really makes no sense.
If it was AN ACCIDENT why put emphasis on the words “smoke” and “grass”? wouldn’t it make more sense to emphasize that words “outside” and “$25 off” instead? (this theory tells me it was done on purpose)
If it was DONE ON PURPOSE why would you want your renters to be “grass smokers” doesn’t that mean they are less likely to pay the rent and more likely to burn your house down? (this theory tells me it was an accident)
I just can’t figure it out!

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