I Want A House
October 16, 2005
OK, being the goal oriented person that I am, now that I have my job I am in search of a house… you know, one of those things you pay to live in but after a while you gain full ownership of said thing. Not like my current situation of paying some idiot to let me stay in his doll house size apartment.
SO, out I go, in search of a house costing no more than fifty thousand dollars. easy? SURE if you want a house anywhere 40+ miles out of Duluth. Anywhere ELSE (Eveleth, Hibbing, Rapids, Cook, Virginia) I can find at least fifty nice fixer-uppers for less than thirty grand, but in Duluth over a span of to weeks there has been two. I looked into both of them thinking that I’m up for just about anything a house could throw at me, only to find that a hundred years ago some retard thought it would be a good idea to build an otherwise perfect house on STILTS!!!!….
that’s right, these houses sit three feet off the ground held up by about thirty posts driven like two feet into the ground wrapped with a skirt like a sleazy old trailer house. Do you have any Idea what happens to thirty posts driven into nothing more than two feet of dirt after a hundred years of Minnesota winters…. THEY HEAVE. the result: a house completely out of square and with a floor as wavy as the ocean.
totally worthless
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