Drunks Are Funny

November 15, 2005

Today sucked right up until about 9pm when we went to Starbucks and saw some guy drunk as hell falling off the curb. This was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, this guy stumbled across superior street and then fell into a mud puddle on the way back. At some point he let go of his dogs leash but the dog didn’t go anywhere, he must of been used to this guy being drunk. after a good ten minutes of laughing at this guy he finally passed out on the sidewalk, at that point we got the cops and they took him, and his dog away.

Besides all that, last week I got my first major assignment at work. I had to reconfigure the entire network and migrate to a new server for a small private school, this entailed setting up Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, NAT, moving files, importing users and a little rewiring. What I did looks like this:

Plus I upgraded all the 98/ME/XP home machines to XP pro and joined them to the new domain. ALL THIS work was completed in just TWO DAYS. I heard the guys taking classes in Eveleth can’t even get their servers NIC working (here’s a hint: if it doesn’t work, THROW IT AWAY!!! what does a NIC cost? like forty three cents gimme a break)… I think their teacher should be shot.

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Smashing Pumpkins

November 2, 2005

Since Halloween is over, our pumpkins decided it was time to rot, so I threw them out on the fire escape.

As you can see, my pumpkin is pissed off about the whole situation, which is fine. Jenns pumpkin on the other hand just sat there with that retarded look on its face, which is not fine… So I destroyed it.

Besides the whole pumpkin thing, we went on a trip up to Virginia to visit Tara and laugh at the sorry excuse of a teacher they got to replace her. After that I went out and had Chinese with my mom for her birthday , and to celebrate, I let her pay. then I drove up to Potlatch to visit the people I used to work with, because they’re so cool. While I was there I made some color copies, without any consent or permission I might add. Just goes to show that all the passwords and firewalls in the world can’t stop someone from walking in and making five dozen full page color copies. HAHAHA

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Grill Fire

October 30, 2005

Went to Zachs yesterday for a Halloween party, I went to start the grill and Zach told me to “use a little lighter fluid”, which I took to mean “use all of the lighter fluid”

Once I started it, I kept it going by feeding it leafs, branches, and every piece of trash in the house.

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October 23, 2005

Went to the store today to get groceries and found out that if I bought two fridge packs of coke, I could get two dollars off a pumpkin. I figured it would be good to have a couple of pumpkins around to scare off the neighbor kids. So, I bought two, brought them home and carved one hell of an angry looking pumpkin.

by the time I was done, and saw what Jenn was carving, it was too late. She had already nearly completed what I am calling “the Paul Stanley of pumpkins”

So much for my idea of scaring off the neighbor kids.

Topics: Items I Bought, Things I Did | No Comments »


October 22, 2005

Jenn went to see a concert in Minneapolis, so I took advantage of the situation and went to play pool with Zach and Frank.

I lost nearly all of the games I played, that’s just how bad I suck at pool. Then Jenn called and asked what I was doing, and I told her I was watching “Friends” (when she asked there was a commercial for friend on one of the TVs) So she has no Idea I was out, and never will… I am a criminal mastermind.

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October 18, 2005

We had spinach stuffed mushrooms for supper tonight, they are actually pretty good for not having any dead animal in them. Anyway, I was (once again) put in charge of sautéing the mushroom caps, which usually turns out to be a mistake.

In the end, I only ended up loosing a little hair on my right hand.

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I Want A House

October 16, 2005

OK, being the goal oriented person that I am, now that I have my job I am in search of a house… you know, one of those things you pay to live in but after a while you gain full ownership of said thing. Not like my current situation of paying some idiot to let me stay in his doll house size apartment.
SO, out I go, in search of a house costing no more than fifty thousand dollars. easy? SURE if you want a house anywhere 40+ miles out of Duluth. Anywhere ELSE (Eveleth, Hibbing, Rapids, Cook, Virginia) I can find at least fifty nice fixer-uppers for less than thirty grand, but in Duluth over a span of to weeks there has been two. I looked into both of them thinking that I’m up for just about anything a house could throw at me, only to find that a hundred years ago some retard thought it would be a good idea to build an otherwise perfect house on STILTS!!!!….

that’s right, these houses sit three feet off the ground held up by about thirty posts driven like two feet into the ground wrapped with a skirt like a sleazy old trailer house. Do you have any Idea what happens to thirty posts driven into nothing more than two feet of dirt after a hundred years of Minnesota winters…. THEY HEAVE. the result: a house completely out of square and with a floor as wavy as the ocean.

totally worthless

Topics: Items I Bought, Stuff I Saw | No Comments »


October 15, 2005

Today we went to the grocery store to get this weeks food rations and, as usual, before going in we stopped to look at the bulletin board and something caught my eye, so without hesitation, I whipped out my trusty camera-phone and took a picture

According to the date on the upper right of the flyer, it had only been posted for twp days, probably not long enough for management to take it down. The more I look at it though, the more I wonder if it was done on purpose or by accident, in EITHER case it really makes no sense.
If it was AN ACCIDENT why put emphasis on the words “smoke” and “grass”? wouldn’t it make more sense to emphasize that words “outside” and “$25 off” instead? (this theory tells me it was done on purpose)
If it was DONE ON PURPOSE why would you want your renters to be “grass smokers” doesn’t that mean they are less likely to pay the rent and more likely to burn your house down? (this theory tells me it was an accident)
I just can’t figure it out!

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October 11, 2005

Old and outdated Helga circa July 2005


New and improved Helga October 11 2005

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October 10, 2005

I’m in Sioux Falls today. we drove here yesterday and stayed the night in this urban campground called “Jenns parents backyardland” it was really clean and you could tell not many people stayed there, and at 6am this morning I found out why. SPRINKLERS, makes sense really, grass wont grow… install sprinklers. well even that would of been ok but one of the sprinklers was RIGHT in front of the tent door and the water went directly through and soaked everything in the tent before I could even get up. So tonight im going to put lawn chairs over all the sprinklers so they don’t spray us
here’s a picture of sad-Jenn in the urban-backyardland campsite (sad cause all her friends are either busy or working)

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